After several months of writing and rewriting the first draft of my fantasy story, I finally have the website up and ready to view. I'd love for you to take a look! Just follow the link below :)
Okay, so what's next? In two days I'm heading back to University of Mary Washington for my final semester as an undergrad, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared out of my mind.
The thing is, when you're in college everything is fairly under control. The biggest stress factor is getting papers in on time (usually completing them an hour before the deadline) and the mad scramble for adding classes each semester which is the closest I've ever been to participating in the Hunger Games.
What's different? Well, this semester for a start.
I've been toying with the idea of being a creative writing professor for a while now. So, thanks to my advisor Colin Rafferty, I'll be assisting with teaching a freshman seminar focusing on the Beatles' influence on the 21st century (couldn't be a more perfect subject ;) ). Which means I'll be leading discussions occasionally and getting the feeling whether or not this professor-career is something I want to pursue. Of course this means less time for procrastinating on other papers and assignments, so I'm getting a head start...of a sort. (I'm just taking a work break right now, I promise!)
To be honest, I'm not as scared for this coming semester as for what comes next. I'll be graduating, leaving Mary Washington behind forever, and thrust out into the real world.
Well, technically across the Atlantic.
I'm applying to Bangor University in Wales for a master's degree in Creative and Professional Writing (it has a nice ring to it). Although I haven't been to the school in person, I've seen photos and it is AMAZING.
Here are some photos so you can see I'm not exaggerating.
Did I mention it was amazing? And it's not just the campus.
There are castles everywhere and the countryside looks like it's been taken out of Middle Earth.
So if all goes according to plan, I'll be over in this beautiful place in about six months, taking classes to be professional writer and finishing my novel (if you follow the link you may realize the story ends with a cliffhanger. This isn't the end!! I'd say more but, spoilers.)
This will be a pretty hectic few months for me, but I promise to be better about updating you all here!
"You don't have to live forever. You just have to live." Natalie Babbitt
"You get ideas from daydreaming. You get ideas from being bored. You get ideas all the time.
The only difference between writers and other people is we notice when we're doing it." Neil Gaiman