Thursday, March 27, 2014

Last Friday Night

It's late, past midnight.

I can feel the rhythm pulsing through my veins. Gentle but compelling. My head is giddy but I follow the urge to move forward. It's been forever since I've actually danced, really danced. For a moment I wonder if my body can match what my heart is dying to do. Simple steps at first: a tentative step forward, reaching out into infinity. Then the music sweeps me up into a whirlwind and I can't stop.

I can't describe the motion, but imagine flying: you stretch out your arms and the air lifts you upward. Spinning effortlessly until you should collapse but somehow keep going, breathless and exhilarated at once. And your head is filled with unearthly music and the voice of an angel too perfect to belong to this world.

It's a weird sensation of being present in and outside my body: being present in the moment and observing from afar. I stretch my limbs to limits they haven't experienced in almost a year. They move in a motion as foreign to my brain as the words...I am nymph, dryad and goddess. Divine. Superhuman. Nothing can tear me down.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Ugh. Snow

Okay, blah title, but really. I'm more than a little sick of getting teased by a bit of spring weather and then getting plunged back into 30-some degrees, snow, shivering-while-walking-to-class chill. Maybe it's not winter I'm so sick of as much as the inconsistency of winter, spring, winter, spring, winter. I may be an easygoing person, but this is a bit too much.

(Maybe there's a metaphor in this? Don't read too much into it though.)

So, life. Things have been a little crazy but I'm starting to see this as a plus. Yeah, I get stressed over trying to make the right decision but at least I have a choice. Years from now when I'm settled in a career and maybe have a family who counts on me I'm not going to have the freedom to move across the country or take a chance job. I've been told over and over again that college is the best time of one's life; though that seems like a bit of an exaggeration right now, they probably have a point: it's the one time I have a chance to take risks without a committed job or relationship, and I should make the most of it.

"Sometimes things fall apart so that better things can fall together" - Marilyn Monroe

"If you're not scared, then you;re not taking a chance. If you're not taking a chance, then what the hell are you doing anyway?" HIMYM