Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Ugh. Snow

Okay, blah title, but really. I'm more than a little sick of getting teased by a bit of spring weather and then getting plunged back into 30-some degrees, snow, shivering-while-walking-to-class chill. Maybe it's not winter I'm so sick of as much as the inconsistency of winter, spring, winter, spring, winter. I may be an easygoing person, but this is a bit too much.

(Maybe there's a metaphor in this? Don't read too much into it though.)

So, life. Things have been a little crazy but I'm starting to see this as a plus. Yeah, I get stressed over trying to make the right decision but at least I have a choice. Years from now when I'm settled in a career and maybe have a family who counts on me I'm not going to have the freedom to move across the country or take a chance job. I've been told over and over again that college is the best time of one's life; though that seems like a bit of an exaggeration right now, they probably have a point: it's the one time I have a chance to take risks without a committed job or relationship, and I should make the most of it.

"Sometimes things fall apart so that better things can fall together" - Marilyn Monroe

"If you're not scared, then you;re not taking a chance. If you're not taking a chance, then what the hell are you doing anyway?" HIMYM

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